Pobreza y Educación

Leyendo a propósito de un tema absolutamente sin relación con el título de este tema (leyendo sobre cómo realizar Event-History Analysis) me encontré en un texto introductorio con lo siguiente:

For example, it is well known that people with higher educational attainment have a lower probability to become poor (e.g., receive social assistance); but at the same time, educational attainment obviously has no significant effect on the probability to get out of poverty (see, e.g., Leisering and Leibfried 1998; Leisering and Walker 1998; Zwick 1998). This means that the causal variable educational attainment influences the poverty process in a specific way: it decreases the likelihood of inflows into poverty and it has no impact on the likelihood of outflows from poverty. (Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Katrin Golsch, Götz Rohwer, Event History Analysis with Stata, Lawrence Erlbaum, New York, 2007, página 6)

Todavía no tengo muy claro que hacer con esto. Pero me pareció interesante

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